Online Registration
Thank you for choosing to register online.
When you click on the “Continue” button at the bottom of this page, you will be presented with a form where you can enter your Name, Address and Insurance information. Providing this information prior to coming in to our office for your initial meeting, helps us save you time when you come in and eliminates errors in entering your information in to our system. Upon completing the online form and saving the information by clicking on the “Save” button, you will be able to download our Intake forms.
Please download and print our Intake forms which are necessary for us to provide the highest level of service to you. The Security and Privacy of the information you provide are of utmost importance to us.
Please read all the information in the Intake documents and complete the Initial questionaire to the best of your knowledge and understanding. If you do not understand any part of the questionaire, please leave the section blank, so we can help you complete the particular section when you come in for your appointment.
Please click on the “Continue” button to start the Pre-Registration process.
Please make sure you select “Evaluation” or “Treatment” at the top of the Pre-Registration Form.